In this article about a horrendous pig virus spreading throughout the US, this point: “Pork producers across the country are grappling with a virus that’s going after piglets. Livestock economists estimate the porcine epidemic diarrhea, or PED, virus has already killed about 1 million baby pigs in the U.S. since it was first found in Iowa last spring.”
…is followed by this wonderfully fucking astute question: “So what’s a pork lover to think? Is this going to send the price of bacon sky high?”
In fact, there is not a SINGLE MENTION in the entire piece about the suffering of these animals, or the factory farming CAFOs that certainly play a huge role in the spread of the virus due to their cramped, unsanitary, inhumane conditions.
This is the equivalent of one millions puppies across the country suddenly dying a painful death from dehydration brought on by diarrhea. SO FUCK THE FUCK OFF WITH THE FUCKING BACON COMMENTS.
The media obviously has a huge role to play if we’re ever going to evolve beyond the medieval way we raise and treat farm animals, and this definitely ain’t getting it goddamn done, Amy Mayer.